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The recruitment process

The recruitment process

The process of getting a job can vary depending on which job you’re going for, who the company is and how you found it. But, as a general rule, the following steps apply in order:

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Stemp searching for job online

Step 1 - Job search

You can look for advertised vacancies in shop/cafe windows, online or by contacting your networks.

Stemp filling out job application online

Step 2 - Application

You submit an application according to the advertisement. This is usually a cover letter and CV (or resume) but requirements vary.

Stemp two women chatting during relaxed job interview

Step 3 - Interview

You may be invited to an interview so the employer can get to know more about you.

Stemp potential employer conducts reference checks

Step 4 - Any additional checks and references

The employer may need to conduct additional checks such as Working With Children or police checks. They may also contact previous employers or contacts you have given them as a reference.

Stemp excited young woman gladly accepts job offer

Step 5 - Job offer and acceptance

If your application is successful, the employer will contact you with a job offer (hurray!) and you can decide whether you wish to accept.

Unsuccessful applications

If your job application is unsuccessful, the employer may or may not let you know. If you had progressed to the interview stage, it is acceptable to contact the employers and politely ask for feedback. This may help with future job applications and interviews. Otherwise, don’t be discouraged. Revisit your job application and resume and continue to apply for other jobs.

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