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Things to consider when searching for a job

A part-time or casual job is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, gain valuable work experience and improve your English language skills. And that’s not to mention that your wages can help cover expenses while you study.

There are a few things you should consider before you start applying for jobs:

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1. What sort of job do you want?

There’s a wealth of opportunity for part-time and casual workers in Victoria. From hospitality to retail to data entry in an office or even tutoring. Have a think about what working environment would make you most happy and how that fits with your lifestyle and goals.

Stemp worker uses his people skills at customer service job

2. What are your skills?

What skills do you have that you could transfer to the workplace? Perhaps you play an instrument or can speak multiple languages? Perhaps you have a great ability to connect to people and you could use that in a customer-facing role? See if you can find a role that matches your unique skills and talents.

Stemp professional young woman networking at event

3. Do you have any networks you can use?

Once you have an idea of what type of job you would like, consider whether you have any contacts who may be able to help you find a role. Even if you can’t think of anyone directly, make sure you tell people you are looking for work as they may know someone who can help. Finding a job this way is known in Australia as ‘word of mouth’. Check out our Tips for expanding your network.

Stemp checking visa status at job interview-

4. Visa restrictions

If you’re on a student visa, you are able to work in Australia up to a maximum of 48 hours per fortnight and unlimited hours during holidays. You’ll need to ensure your new job can accommodate this.

Off campus male on wheelchair talking to male

5. What are my work rights?

Whether you are a domestic or international student, you are protected by Australian employment law. This means you must be paid adequately and on time and you cannot be subjected to unsafe working conditions. Find out more on our Your rights at work page.

Stemp smiling grocery store worker poses for photo

6. Work-life balance

In all the excitement of a new job, it’s easy to forget that you have other commitments. You are here to enjoy the experience of studying so make sure you don’t put your job before your own wellbeing and study goals.


If you need some guidance on what job may suit you best, there are many useful online quizzes that can help you find out more about yourself, for example:

Career quiz

Personality quiz

Please note: Deakin College offers external links for the benefit to students but takes no responsibility for the accuracy or currency of information on these sites.

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