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Safer community

If you need urgent or emergency help, use the crisis support contacts below.

Crises support

Safer Community is a free and confidential crises support service for staff and students who experience concerning, threatening, inappropriate or uncomfortable behaviour. You can contact Safer Community to report problem behaviour, sexual harm, family violence and missing persons.

Being the central point of contact for reporting distressing issues, the Safer Community can also assist with the below:

  • Why and when to report concerning behaviour
  • How we support you
  • Anonymous reporting
  • What informs our practice

Find out more at Deakin University Safer Communities.

Campus safety

A safe university environment relies on members of the Deakin community to alert Safer Community to behaviours of concern before they result in harm. Recognising and reporting early signs of a behaviour of concern is crucial to preventing behaviours from escalating and serves to enhance the University’s ability to provide assistance to community members who may be in distress.

If you feel unsafe or threatened on campus, whether it’s due to sexual harassment, domestic violence, online abuse, or you fear for the safety of a friend or minor, you can contact the Safer Community team to report your concerns.

Find out more about behaviours of concern and the next steps you can take.

Need to talk?

Call the Safer Community team on 9244 3734. We’re available Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm. You can also email us at

Immediate response

On campus – call Deakin Security on 1800 062 579 for 24/7 support. Download our Safe Zone app for use on campus.

Off campus – call emergency services (police and ambulance) on Triple Zero 000.

Mental health and wellbeing concerns

For concerns about self-harm, suicide ideation and mental health support you can contact our Student Counselling team at Deakin College or Counselling and Psychological Support team at Deakin University for information on internal and external services.

If you’re a staff member concerned about a student, contact Student Wellbeing Liaisons.


For more information on support and resources, refer to Deakin University Safer Communities.

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