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We know that scheduling your classes around your work, family and social commitments can be tricky.
Classes in our standard timetable are offered across various weekdays at various times. You can pick and choose which classes suits you.
Classes in our streamlined timetable are condensed into two weekdays and the timetable is fixed for your whole diploma program.
The standard and streamlined timetables offer the same number of class hours per week, it’s just a matter of choosing which model suits your lifestyle best.
The streamlined timetable option is available at the Melbourne Burwood campus for students enrolling to study on campus in the Diplomas of:
If you opt to enrol in a streamlined timetable, you will study eight fixed units that will be taught at fixed times and your classes will run across two weekdays only.
Classes are taught on campus, not online, and you must study 3 units in each of your first two trimesters, then two units in your final trimester.
If you are taking 4 units in a trimester, you cannot enrol in a Streamlined timetable.
This condensed model delivered over only two days per week gives you the certainty to plan your other commitments around your study. You can choose to complete your whole diploma with a streamlined timetable, on the same fixed days each trimester.
Our standard timetable allows you to choose your class times across the workweek. Online (domestic students only) and on-campus classes run between 9am and 5pm on weekdays (Melbourne time). The standard timetable gives you more flexibility to spread your classes over the week and more flexibility in your elective unit selection.
Most on-campus units run as 1 x 2-hour lecture and 1 x 2-hour tutorial each week.
Online units offer a one to two-hour weekly class that is held on Zoom. This class is optional however, we strongly recommend you attend to ensure you keep up to date with your unit material, assessments, and due dates.
Both on-campus and online students can also expect between 4-6 hours of private study per unit, per week.
If you are studying 4 units per trimester, you will need to select a standard timetable.
The earlier you enrol, the more choice in class times you will have. As classes fill up during the enrolment period, there will be fewer class times to choose from.
Online study is only available to domestic students in the Diplomas of:
Recorded content, classroom notes, readings, activities and assessments are available online, to be accessed at any time. An optional one-hour live online session is held each week for every unit, and you are strongly encouraged to attend.