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Australian students: Your journey

Deciding where to study is a big decision. Here, we'll look at the key milestones you’ll go through on your journey to university.

Where to start

Follow the steps

Step 1: Discover and decide

  • Where does Deakin College fit into your life journey?
  • Deciding what to study

Step 2: Time to apply

  • Apply for your chosen course
  • FEE-Help and payment
  • Accepting your offer

Step 3: Prepare

  • How to prepare
  • Arrange accommodation (if necessary)

Step 4: Live, learn and progress

  • Life at Deakin College
  • Transfer to Deakin University

1. Discover and decide

Choose your study

Recently finished or currently in secondary education

  • You’ve completed Australian secondary education within the previous two years at a school, TAFE or other VET or higher education provider
  • You’ll complete secondary education* this year at a school, TAFE or other VET or higher education provider
  • You’ve started or completed some VET or higher education study while still at school

If you identify with this category it’s likely you’ve got your sights set on Deakin University, but you expect to, or already have fallen short of the degree entry requirements.

No problem. We’re glad you’re here!

We’ve helped many people in the same situation. Just remember that your ATAR isn’t everything, the traditional pathway into a degree isn’t the only way and you’re certainly not alone.

We understand you might not be quite where you want to be now, and we appreciate what you’ve been through, but as Deakin Uni’s preferred pathway provider what we offer is a chance to put high school firmly behind you and to start a new supported program of study that’ll get you straight into the 2nd year of the degree you want. In other words, Deakin College programs are designed to help transition you from ‘Year 12 learner’ to ‘university ready student’ as quickly and effectively as possible.

You’ll have the full support of our experienced teaching and support staff

Experts who have a background in helping high school graduate level students in your exact situation get to Deakin Uni fully prepared for the degree of their choice. Before long, you’ll have forgotten what an ATAR is. With small classes and individual study support, you’re in safe hands. Plus, you can get into the swing of Uni life as we’re based in the heart of Deakin’s campuses.

Higher education student

  • You’ve studied a higher education course since leaving secondary education – recently or some time ago
  • You’ve studied at a university or through a non-university higher education provider
  • You’ve completed a bridging or enabling course delivered by or on behalf of a higher education provider

Some students come to Deakin College who’ve already had a taste of the university experience but have realised their degree (or other higher education course) just wasn’t right. Perhaps you’re still on that course and have doubts.

Whether you’ve been referred to us by Deakin Uni or found us on your own, the most important thing is you’ve acted. There’s no point continuing down a path that isn’t for you. We understand that you want to make sure things are perfect second time round.

With direct entry into Year 2 of your ideal degree, the total duration of the Deakin College pathway isn’t going to take any longer than a new full degree. What we do is ensure you get exactly the right preparation for that Deakin Uni degree. It’s quite possible you didn’t envisage this pathway as the route to your new direction, but as the official college partner to Deakin Uni our courses map straight into those degrees with the right module selections.

Read on, get in contact and let us show you the value this fully supported pathway has provided to the 22,000 students who’ve progressed through our programs to Deakin Uni.

Vocational education and training(VET)

  • enrolled in a VET course at a public TAFE (or other VET provider) since leaving secondary education
  • completed your VET qualification or weren’t able to do so
  • have other qualifications, such as a Year 10 or Year 12 secondary school certificate
  • completed a Certificate IV during high school

Deakin College welcomes those with a practical/vocational background who now wish to re-orientate their learning style to a more academic one. We’re very happy you’ve dropped by and can offer the perfect transition to degree level academic study at Deakin University.

Firstly, the qualification…
  • While Deakin College offers a diploma level to degree pathway, it’s a very specialised diploma and very different from the VET course of study you’d have undertaken in the scenarios described above.
  • VET qualifications are primarily designed with a workforce entry outcome in mind. In other words, they have a very practical focus on work-oriented skills development and range from certificate to advanced diploma level.
Our courses are focused on university preparation

Degree level study, depending on the subject, can include practical and even vocational elements (particularly if there is an industry placement involved), but on the hole are aimed at the acquisition and application of an academic body of knowledge, the practical application of theory, and presentation of complex information in response to questions or scenarios, completion of large pieces of course work (sometimes in groups) and of course, exams.

With a truly supportive learning environment, Deakin College will ensure you make that transformation from VET student to university ready learner.

Work and life experience

  • Left secondary education more than two years previously and haven’t undertaken VET or higher education study since then
  • Have professional or work experience that can demonstrate your readiness for higher education
  • Have completed non-formal programs that helped you prepare for tertiary education, or programs relevant to a higher education field of study you’re interested in

Entering higher education is a significant decision whichever stage of life you’re at, but especially when you’ve been out of the system for a while. Whether you haven’t studied for two years or 20, it’s very common for people to re-enter education and there are many advantages to it, which we’ll discuss.

First up, consider what’s on offer. A pathway into the 2nd year of a Deakin University degree, yes, but it’s more than that. You’ll certainly acquire the right subject specific knowledge, but this is also about preparing for university level study. Learning how to learn, in other words. The fact that we’re co-located with Deakin University allows you to soak up university life, with access to all facilities and services that Deakin University students have. Along the way you’ll have access to support that will hone valuable life experiences and transform you into a degree-ready learner.

The advantages

With some life experience under your belt, your career objectives are likely well thought through with a clear goal in mind, which is motivation enough to see you through the challenges ahead. You may well understand yourself a bit better than when you were a teenager, your strengths/weaknesses, likes/dislikes, so your chosen study path and career are ones that suit you well. You may well be able to apply life experiences to the classroom and the knowledge you’ve gained from work, society and the world. You’ve almost certainly developed other skills which might include those relating to organisation, self-discipline, confidence, and a host of others.

Hopefully you can see there’s good reason to be optimistic about entering education with some life experience behind you!

Take a look at our diploma courses and which degrees you can progress to.

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Decide what to study

Choosing your degree

Our diplomas cover the major subject areas offered by Deakin University: Business, Commerce, Communication, Design, Engineering, Film, TV & Animation, Health, Information Technology, Science.

Perhaps you’ve got a career or job outcome in mind, or you know the degree you’d like to study – use the course pages to determine which diploma provides the right path into that degree.

What are some of the other things you may want to consider when deciding what degree to study?

Length of course
Some degrees are longer than others. How long do you want to study for? How quickly do you want to begin your career?
Is the course professionally accredited?
This is particularly important for some professions. At Deakin University for example, the Bachelor of Civil Engineering, which you can enter after studying the Diploma of Engineering, is professionally accredited by Engineers Australia. Bachelor degrees in Computer Science, Cyber Security and IT are all professionally accredited by the Australian Computer Society. These are just examples but you’ll find more depending on what you want to study, with Deakin University having strong industry connections.
Module/major content
Does the module content match the career outcome you’re looking for? Do you think you’ll enjoy it or are there areas you really want to avoid? Perhaps you don’t like to have too many exams or aren’t too fond of finance. It’s worth doing some research and asking for some advice.This also relates to professional accreditation where some paths offer partial credit. For example, students who complete a marketing major are eligible for a one year reduction off the five years it would usually take to become a Certified Practicing Marketer by the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI).

In the case of Deakin, their industry partners help to inform course content so what Deakin University teach in modules is aligned with industry.

Facilities available
Particularly relevant for degrees with practical components, are the facilities and equipment suitable, modern and available when you need them?
Do they offer a placement year (undergraduate courses)?
This also covers internships, paid placements, work-integrated learning, because getting industry experience can be invaluable and set you up for employment after university. Deakin University has extensive industry connections so ask about opportunities and factor this in when choosing your degree.
How will you be assessed?
Modern degrees use different methods of assessment. Exams and coursework are the obvious ones but think about whether those coursework assignments are individual or a will you work as part of a group. How about considering whether some assessment is attendance based? Is it a practical assessment? Will you be giving a presentation?
How will you be taught?
For example, a key difference between Deakin College and Deakin University is the support and class sizes. Is most of the course lecture based or in smaller seminar classes? Do those assessment methods play to your strengths.

About your Deakin College course choice

  • Transfer to some degrees requires specific Deakin College units to be completed in order to receive the appropriate credits for a certain degree and majors.
  • All the information you need to select the right units is contained within the course pages on this website.
  • Contact Deakin College directly – not the University itself – if anything isn’t clear. These pathways have been developed in combination with the University and we’re here to ensure you select the right options.

2. Time to apply

Learn how to successfully navigate the application process

Apply for your course at Deakin College

How you apply to Deakin College as an Australian student is dependent on when you’d like to start your course. The How to Apply page explains this, but in a nutshell, you’re either going to apply through:

  • VTAC, or;
  • Directly to Deakin College.

Either way, the application process is straightforward but if you’re applying through VTAC for the March intake, it’s important to be mindful of the Change of Preference period, which takes place after exam results are released in early December. To help you through the process, we run information sessions so make sure you contact us to book your place.

What happens after you’ve applied?

We’ll review and assess your application and if you’re successful, you’ll receive a Letter of Offer usually within 24-48 hours, but it can take longer depending on how complete the application is (all documents received etc.)

The next step is to accept that offer, which requires two things:

  1. Understand the Letter of Offer
    In other words, take some time to fully understand what you’re signing up for including the conditions attached to our offer.
  2. The acceptance of an offer from Deakin College requires payment of all fees and charges due, as indicated in the Letter of Offer, unless you’re applying for FEE-HELP.

More detailed information

3. Prepare

You’re so close!

Unless you live a distance away from your chosen campus and need to find accommodation, there isn’t too much left for you to do…

Arrange accommodation (if you need to)

If you don’t already live locally with family or in your own accommodation, there’s a great range of accommodation options on offer to suit your needs.

Where you live is such a personal choice but the biggest question is, should you live on or off campus? Living on-campus offers the full immersive Deakin experience but there are excellent off-campus options and cost savings.

If you want to live on-campus in a Deakin residence, apply as early as possible because places are limited.

Explore accommodation options

Prepare for student life

With the hardest part over, there are a few left to ensure that you’re ready for the off. Our “Preparing to Start” page contains important information about accepting your offer, important dates, getting your finances in order, safety and security, and connecting with other students.

Also, why not plan and practice your route to campus. Directions can be found here, including important information about car parking:

4. Live, learn and progress

Congratulations, you made it!

Depending on your study schedule, your degree is only eight or 12 months away. For now, get a preview of your first week at Deakin College.

Your first week

Your first day at Deakin College will begin at the Orientation and Enrolment day, which is compulsory for all students to attend.

It’s the perfect introduction to your new life as a Deakin College student and starts the week before your classes begin. There will be activities and events all aimed and helping you to transition to your new Deakin life.

Another important milestone is making your first friend (it’s a great feeling when you do!) and orientation is the ideal place to do it.

You’ll also meet staff, learn about the course and faculty, and important you can make sure you’re properly enrolled.

Information about the orientation program and your first week with us.

Life at Deakin College

he many clubs and societies on offer are a great way to meet like minded people and build a new social circle. As a Deakin College student, you have full access to all Deakin University’s services and facilities, which includes the Deakin University Students Association (DUSA).

Helpful information

Laura Stobie image

Laura Stobie

“I chose Deakin College as it was my pathway to get into my desired course at Deakin University. I enjoyed my experience at Deakin College because the class sizes were smaller and the lectures were taught in a slower pace which made my transition to university easier.”


Diploma of Health Science

Australian student

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