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International students: Your journey

Let's look at the key milestones you’ll go through on your journey to university in Australia.

1. Discover and decide

Choose your study location

Australia – Melbourne and Geelong

With 3 campuses across Melbourne and Geelong, you need to choose carefully. This could be your home for the next few years!

Take a look

Decide what to study

Whether you study a Deakin College Foundation Program or Diploma will depend on your academic background and destination degree at Deakin University.

The Foundation Program requires completion of an Australian Year 11 equivalent while diplomas require a Year 12 equivalent.

After successfully completing the Foundation Program and meeting specified entry requirements, you may be eligible to apply for entry into the first year of selected Deakin University bachelor degrees. Some of these degrees are not available to diploma students.

About your Deakin College course choice

  • Transfer to some degrees requires specific Deakin College units to be completed in order to receive the appropriate credits for a certain degree and majors.
  • All the information you need to select the right units is contained within the course pages on this website.
  • Contact Deakin College directly – not the University itself – if anything isn’t clear. We’re here to ensure you select the right options.

About your Deakin University course choice

Living and studying in another country is a big step so it’s important to make sure you’re choosing the right thing. Perhaps you’ve got a career or job outcome in mind or you know the degree you’d like to study – don’t forget to use the course pages determine which course provides the right path into that degree.

What are some of the other things you may want to consider when deciding what degree to study?

Length of course

  • Some degrees are longer than others. How long do you want to study for? How quickly do you want to begin your career?

Is the course professionally accredited?

  • This is particularly for some professions. At Deakin University for example, the Bachelor of Civil Engineering, which you can enter in the 2nd year after study for the Diploma of Engineering, is professionally accredited by Engineers Australia. Or, the Bachelor of Nursing, which can be reached via our Foundation Program, is accredited by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) and is NMBA approved.

Module/major content

  • Does the module content match the career outcome you’re looking for? Do you think you’ll enjoy it or are there areas you really want to avoid? Perhaps you don’t like to have too many exams or aren’t too find of finance. It’s worth doing  some research and asking for some advice.This also relates to professional accreditation where some paths offer partial credit. For example the marketing major stream where graduates who complete the marketing major are eligible for a one year credit reduction, off the five years, needed to become a Certified Practicing Marketer by the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI). In the case of Deakin, their industry partners help to inform course content so what Deakin University teach in modules is aligned with industry.

Facilities available

  • Particularly relevant for degrees with practical components, are the facilities and equipment suitable, modern and available when you need them?

Do they offer a placement year (undergraduate courses)?

  • This also covers internships, paid placements, work-integrated learning, because getting industry experience can be invaluable and set you up for employment after university. Deakin University has extensive industry connections so ask about opportunities and factor this in when choosing your degree.

How will you be assessed?

  • Modern degrees use different methods of assessment. Exams and coursework are the obvious ones but think about whether those coursework assignments are individual or a will you work as part of a group. How about considering whether some assessment is attendance based? Is it a practical assessment? Will you be giving a presentation?

How will you be taught?

  • Is most of the course lecture-based, lab-based or are you taught in smaller seminar classes? Do those teaching methods play to your strengths?

2. Time to apply

Learn how to successfully navigate the application process

There are several steps involved in a successful application process. Navigate them by following the steps below.

Apply for your course at Deakin College

There are two options for international applicants:

  • Find an agent and let them apply on your behalf, or help you apply to us
  • Use our online application form yourself

Note: you’re not applying for Deakin University at this point but our application form does ask which degree and campus you plan to study at, so have that information ready.

More detailed information

What happens after you've applied?

  • We’ll review and assess your application and if you’re successful, you’ll receive a Letter of Offer usually within 24-48 hours, but it can take longer depending on how complete the application is (all documents received etc.)
  • Pay the academic fees as detailed in the Letter of Offer and arrange Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
  • Once we’ve received that payment a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) can be issued
  • At this point, you can submit your application for an Australian Student Visa and begin thinking about travel and accommodation
More detailed information

Apply for your visa

To study at Deakin College, you will need an Australian Student Visa. This is the part of the process that many students need some help with and although we cannot offer you any specific advice on making a successful visa application, here are some pointers:

Get a good agent

You can find a list of our Deakin College’s network of representatives here

Familiarise yourself with the visa application process

You may have enlisted an agent to facilitate the visa application process for you but it’s always a good idea to educate yourself. It’ll help put your mind at ease and you’ll also be able to ask the right questions of your agent to ensure they are providing the best service to you

Writing your personal statement

As part of the Simplified Student Visa Framework (SSVF) introduced in 2016, all students are required to write and submit a Statement of Purpose (SOP) with their visa application. The reason this statement is required is to demonstrate that any international student wishing to study in Australia meets the Genuine Temporary Entrant requirements.

Important: A SOP must be written by you, the applicant, not your agent or another family member.

Stay positive

Processing times (as at 20 November 2019) are: 75% of applications processed in 40 days, 90% of applications in 54 days. It might well be faster but there is no guarantee. In other words, most visas are processed between 6-8 weeks and progress updates from the Australian Department of Home Affairs are not available. However, the Department will contact you if further information is needed.

  • Try not to worry if you don’t hear anything about your application. As the saying goes – no news is good news! It just takes time.
  • Remember, you’re not alone, hundreds of thousands of international students are currently studying in colleges and universities across Australia and have been through the same process, and they made it here successfully.

Make sure you allow enough time to apply. But rest assured we offer three intakes per year in March, June and October which means you can apply in plenty of time and with flexibility to change if needed.

3. Prepare and arrive

You’re so close!

Great job, your new student life isn’t far away. Here are some practical steps to take you from your home country to Australia with minimal stress.

Arrange accommodation

There’s a great range of accommodation options on offer to suit your needs.

The biggest question is, should you live on or off campus? Living on-campus offers the full immersive Deakin experience but there are excellent off-campus options and cost savings.

Where you live is such a personal choice so of all the advice available in relation to accommodation, these might be the most important:

  1. If you want to live on-campus in a Deakin residence, apply as early as possible because places are limited
  2. Short Term accommodation is an option for students who are not sure what type of accommodation they require, or if their long-term accommodation is not ready in time. This type of accommodation is generally a budget hotel or hostel close to Deakin College.

Prepare to depart for Australia

Many students travel to and from Australia at the beginning and end of each trimester, therefore flights can be heavily booked in advance. It is advisable to make a flight booking as soon as you have confirmed your enrolment at Deakin College.

Plan to arrive in Melbourne at least 14 days prior to Orientation and Enrolment to give yourself time to settle in, find permanent accommodation (if you need it), open bank accounts and familiarise yourself with your new environment. This adjustment will be a major change to your normal routine and leaving your arrival to the last minute can create unnecessary difficulties.

To help with your arrival at one of the Melbourne airports, we offer an airport reception service. That means you’ll be met at the airport and driven to your accommodation free of charge on your first arrival (Additional family members may use this service but will be required to pay)

We recommend that you book your airport pick up service online at least 2 days before your arrival.

Helpful information

Arriving and settling

Make sure you have booked your free airport pick up service online at least 2 days before your arrival.

After landing, before orientation

1) We strongly suggest reading the Arriving in Australia page on this website for essential information about airport arrival, what to do on the flight, customs and immigration, help at the airport, airport pickup, and currency exchange.

2) Hopefully you were able to follow our advice and arrive 14 days prior to orientation. Why not take the opportunity to explore the city:

3) And why not plan and practice your route to campus. Directions can be found here:

4. Live, learn and progress

Congratulations, you made it!

Getting this far is a huge achievement. What about your first week with us and beyond?

Your first week

Your first day at Deakin College will begin at the Orientation and Enrolment day, which is compulsory for all students to attend.

It’s the perfect introduction to your new life as a Deakin College student and starts the week before your classes begin. There will be activities and events all aimed and helping you to transition to your new Deakin life.

Another important milestone is making your first friend (it’s a great feeling when you do!) and orientation is the ideal place to do it.

You’ll also meet staff, learn about the course and faculty, and important you can make sure you’re properly enrolled.

Information about the orientation program and your first week with us.

Life at Deakin College

The early part of your new life in Australia is an exciting time of discovery and gradually settling into a routine.

There are many clubs and societies, many bringing together people from your home country, or you can try something completely new to find like minded friends to hang out with, building your new social circle. As a Deakin College student, you have full access to all Deakin University’s services and facilities, which includes the Deakin University Students Association (DUSA).

Helpful information
Mohammed Mambwe image

Mohammed Mambwe

“I came across Deakin College when I was doing my own research on different institutions in Australia. I decided to study at Deakin College because they offer good quality education and active learning environment. I believe that my Diploma course has been beneficial to help me prepare for my undergraduate degree at Deakin University to ensure smooth transition.”

Diploma of Commerce

Zambian student

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